Retour Sur L’Année 2020: Nos Constats En 12 Leçons
Comment ne pas avoir un sentiment mitigé en rédigeant cette rétrospective de l’année que nous venons de traverser…
Comment ne pas avoir un sentiment mitigé en rédigeant cette rétrospective de l’année que nous venons de traverser…
Writing this post came with mixed feelings. On one hand, it’s a little nostalgic. It seems like a decade ago we were at the end of 2019, more than ready for the holiday break after a crazy busy year – this was our old lives. Now, we experience a sense …
Since we’re not able to enjoy the perks of an office space or spend true quality time, face to face with our leaders, how do we show our teams we see the hard work they are doing?
Here are 5 creative ways to show your employees appreciation (from home)